With advancement of medical facilities, better nutrition and improvements in Standard of Living and life style , health consciousness etc. , the life span of population throughout the world including India is on the increase. Consequently, number of people living beyond 80 years and even 90 years are going up every year. While, no doubt, this is welcome and happy situation, this fact raises a question as to whether we are prepared to provide adequate support and facilities to take care of these ageing members of our Society.
As on date, the answer is BIG NO.
In the past when the norm was Joint families, there was always some member in the house to take care of aged persons. With nuclear families and particularly when both husband and wife are going for Jobs, there is practically NO ONE to take care of aged persons. When the aged persons are down with minor illness, they can some how manage with difficulty and take care of themselves. But the situation becomes more and more difficult and poses a serious problem when they are bed-ridden due to reasons like fractures and other deceases which are age related . There is NO ONE at home to take care of these bed-ridden aged persons and attend to their needs like :
1) Giving timely food and medicines.
2) Changing of diapers, dress , beddings etc.
3) Time to time changing of their positions in the bed to avoid bed sores.
4) Giving hot water fomentation, applying ointments etc.
5) Giving them, at least , Sponge bath.
6) Cutting their nails/hair periodically and providing other support activities depending on individual health condition and requirements.
Providing trained Nurses to take care of these aged and sick patients not only very, very costly and NOT-AFFORDABLE by majority of our Households, but also it amounts to under-utilising their talents and training. The answer is to have lots of Certified Health Assistants in our villages, towns and cities, throughout the Country.
These Certified Health Assistants NEED NOT BE HIGHLY QUALIFIED. Even High-School drop-outs can be adequately trained in the above activities with Short-term Courses. Not only Youth but also middle aged persons can be trained. These trained and certified Health Assistants can be attached to all Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Clinics in every location and their services made available to aged patients at affordable cost. This will also generate Employment Opportunities to thousands and thousands of unemployed persons in our both Rural and Urban areas.
We request both the Health Ministry and Human Development Ministry to get this Urgent Requirement examined by Experts and come out with a Compact Syllabus and create adequate Training facilities throughout the Country. Training can include administering Injection, Glucose, taking Blood-pressure, sugar levels etc.
I appeal to all like-minded friends who support this Request to copy this Submission and send "E"Mail to following address:
1. hfwminister@gov.in
2. minister.hrd@gov.in
1. hfwminister@gov.in
2. minister.hrd@gov.in
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