Saturday, 13 September 2014

There can be no doubt that the advent of Information Technology has SHRUNK the  whole World into a Small Village !. This factual position was more than a decade ago!.  But as of Date, advancement in the technology, ever-growing innovative products, devices and applications has further shrunk the world and brought the  entire World  under ONE ROOF !!.  May be there are a number of Rooms;  but  the  Partition-Walls are not made of Bricks but of GLASS !!. Therefore, we are able to communicate, able to talk, able to see as if your dear-ones, friends and relatives are in the other Room just separated by a glass wall  (though they may, in fact,  live thousands of Miles away in different corners of the world)!.
We only cannot feel the touch of them!.  With the Speed with which advancement is taking place, in this field, such a Day is not far off when we can feel their touch, smell the food they are eating and  virtually catch the cricket ball, your grandson bats from across the world !.
“E” Mails, Twitters, Face Book, What’s-up, Skype, Hangout etc. made a VERY BIG difference in our life. We are able to keep in touch and update ourselves with everything happening in the world, every second!   Almost  instantly!. Let us enjoy and continue to enjoy the fruits of IT innovations….
But just think for a moment ! These very applications, devices have huge potential to become an  effective Tool for  Social change, to solve any Problems facing our  Society.  In the past, just to send a Petition to proper authorities with a mere 1000 signatures for solving a local problem, it used to take days and lot of efforts in addition to the cost. But to-day we can do this in just few minutes, sitting in your drawing room without any effort or Cost. If you Zero-in on the Problem and Right Solution thereof , draft the Petition with its solution, communicate it with all concerned through Face Book, “E” Mail etc. and send out the Petition  to the concerned  authority. This petition will be  followed  by thousands and even millions of mail from other concerned members of the society. The Authority will be left with no other options but to accede to the just demand made by thousands and millions. They can ill-afford to ignore the just demands of Millions of people.  
So the MAGIC KEY to solve any problem facing our Society, either small or big,  is in your OWN HANDS ! Make use of it for the betterment of our Society. All Citizens can participate in this effort !. Those with genuine problems (of course it has to be of common nature and not individual one) can freely and fearlessly express them, if possible with right solutions. All members who appreciate them and in agreement with the solutions can extend their support. There is no coercion, no compulsion and it is totally Voluntary.
I personally appeal to you all to extend your whole-hearted support to any common cause, if you are personally convinced about it, in any manner listed below:-
1)      If you only like the idea, share it among your friends and group members. Just ticking the “LIKE” as you  normally do for posts which are  posted in the Facebook, just for your information or entertainment, is not enough.
2)      If you fully endorse the view and like to participate in the campaign, sendout “E”Mails, Twitter messages to the address provided by persons initiating the campaign. Also request your friends and relatives to do so.
3)      You can also initiate new proposals to solve any local issues.
4)      You are welcome to suggest steps to improve the effectiveness of this redressel  system.

You can be part of Social Changes for a BETTER TOMORROW, by just participating from your Drawing Room and it is totally free of cost. YOU need to spare a few minutes of your valuable time and  You owe this to the SOCIETY.