Saturday, 13 September 2014

There can be no doubt that the advent of Information Technology has SHRUNK the  whole World into a Small Village !. This factual position was more than a decade ago!.  But as of Date, advancement in the technology, ever-growing innovative products, devices and applications has further shrunk the world and brought the  entire World  under ONE ROOF !!.  May be there are a number of Rooms;  but  the  Partition-Walls are not made of Bricks but of GLASS !!. Therefore, we are able to communicate, able to talk, able to see as if your dear-ones, friends and relatives are in the other Room just separated by a glass wall  (though they may, in fact,  live thousands of Miles away in different corners of the world)!.
We only cannot feel the touch of them!.  With the Speed with which advancement is taking place, in this field, such a Day is not far off when we can feel their touch, smell the food they are eating and  virtually catch the cricket ball, your grandson bats from across the world !.
“E” Mails, Twitters, Face Book, What’s-up, Skype, Hangout etc. made a VERY BIG difference in our life. We are able to keep in touch and update ourselves with everything happening in the world, every second!   Almost  instantly!. Let us enjoy and continue to enjoy the fruits of IT innovations….
But just think for a moment ! These very applications, devices have huge potential to become an  effective Tool for  Social change, to solve any Problems facing our  Society.  In the past, just to send a Petition to proper authorities with a mere 1000 signatures for solving a local problem, it used to take days and lot of efforts in addition to the cost. But to-day we can do this in just few minutes, sitting in your drawing room without any effort or Cost. If you Zero-in on the Problem and Right Solution thereof , draft the Petition with its solution, communicate it with all concerned through Face Book, “E” Mail etc. and send out the Petition  to the concerned  authority. This petition will be  followed  by thousands and even millions of mail from other concerned members of the society. The Authority will be left with no other options but to accede to the just demand made by thousands and millions. They can ill-afford to ignore the just demands of Millions of people.  
So the MAGIC KEY to solve any problem facing our Society, either small or big,  is in your OWN HANDS ! Make use of it for the betterment of our Society. All Citizens can participate in this effort !. Those with genuine problems (of course it has to be of common nature and not individual one) can freely and fearlessly express them, if possible with right solutions. All members who appreciate them and in agreement with the solutions can extend their support. There is no coercion, no compulsion and it is totally Voluntary.
I personally appeal to you all to extend your whole-hearted support to any common cause, if you are personally convinced about it, in any manner listed below:-
1)      If you only like the idea, share it among your friends and group members. Just ticking the “LIKE” as you  normally do for posts which are  posted in the Facebook, just for your information or entertainment, is not enough.
2)      If you fully endorse the view and like to participate in the campaign, sendout “E”Mails, Twitter messages to the address provided by persons initiating the campaign. Also request your friends and relatives to do so.
3)      You can also initiate new proposals to solve any local issues.
4)      You are welcome to suggest steps to improve the effectiveness of this redressel  system.

You can be part of Social Changes for a BETTER TOMORROW, by just participating from your Drawing Room and it is totally free of cost. YOU need to spare a few minutes of your valuable time and  You owe this to the SOCIETY.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

At present 2nd Class Sitting  accomodates 3 Passengers on both sides
of the Pathway. The length of each side is about 45 Inches. For youngters
weighing around 50 Kgs. and short distance passengers, it is O K. But
for aged people and people with ill-health and those with large and heavy built body, it is very very uncomfortable and miserable.  It is impossible to travel for more than 2-3 hours.
While for passenger allotted with window-side seat, it is tolerable for
middle seat and aisle seat passengers it is a virtual hell. Hawkers and other
passengers going up & down the passage add fuel to the fire by hitting
every time they pass. One has to only experience the plight of these
passengers and no word can fully explain the miserable condition.
We request the Railways to introduce 2nd Sitting premium class and
allot only 2 passengers per side so that aged senior citizens, sickly passengers, heavy framed passengers and also who travel for more than 5-6 hours can travel comfortably. Railways may increase the fare for these
Premium Seats by 50%, so that Railways DO

NOT incur any LOSS on this
account. Even if 1/3rd of Compartment is converted into Premium Seats,
to startwith, is sufficient.
We request for favourable consideration and immediate  action.

Friday, 18 July 2014

It is not very uncommon that we come across in moving Trains, Bus Stands, Commercial areas, Parks etc.,   groups  of Hijras  or Transgenders (third gender/eunuch)  (also known differently in many Indian languages like chhakka  in kannada, khusra in Punjabi,  kojja  in Telugu, and Aravani, Tirunangai  in Tamil)  pester,  demand money from Passengers, Shop-Keepers and general public. Though a small percentage of public,  shop-keepers  pay money willingly and happily, a majority of them pay money only out of helplessness and  out of fear. They very well know their refusal to pay money would certainly invite a generous shower of abuses, curses in unprintable vulgar and filthy language.
I do not know whether out of self-imposed Code of Conduct or out of  respect Or  for whatever reasons, these transgenders  normally spare or ignore Senior  Citizens like me, women and children, provided we keep our mouth shut and do not venture to pass any remarks  on them!  Initially, like anybody else, I also used to get irritated, upset about their unruly and indecent  behaviour  in public.  But, when I thought over their  behaviour  calmly, objectively and without any prejudice, I came to the firm conclusion that we cannot find fault with their behaviour and instead we will have to  blame ourselves, individually and jointly as a  Society since it is  ONLY we  who have pushed them into this pitiable, miserable situation.  I have very consciously and deliberately avoided mentioning about the illegal and anti-social activities some of these transgenders  engage  in,  for obvious reasons.
Transgenders  are  persons  having a gender identity or self-image which is opposite of one’s physical sex : being physically male but behaving like female  or vice versa.  At birth, infants are assigned a sex based on a combination of bodily characteristics, internal reproductive organs, and genitals. For transgender people, their birth-assigned sex and their own internal sense of gender identity do not match. They are born with wrong gender in a wrong body. Most transgender children live in the shadows, hiding from a world that sees them as freaks of nature. Rejected  by their families, many grow up hating their own bodies, and fall victim to high rates of depression, drug abuse, violence and suicide.
Transgenders were in  existence  from  time immemorial  and  references are available in plenty even in vedic literatures.  However the disturbing fact is their population is on the increase.  50 -  60 years back,  their numbers were not so much as we find to-day. I do not know whether our Govt. agencies
have  ever  carried-out  a census of  transgenders.
While we can with very high percentage of accuracy confirm the reasons, circumstances and conditions which has forced them to behave in this deplorable manner, we are not in a position to say as to why they are born as such.
There is no data available which links to genetical,  heredity  factors  for their births  as Transgenders  and  it seems to happen at random . We only  hope  our Medical professionals are able to findout the  true reasons and come out  with remedies to eradicate or alteast  to minimise such births taking place, soon.

Reasons for their present miserable conditions  :
1.  Though  Parents  are not directly responsible for  the birth of trangenders, they are,  in no uncertain terms,  primarily responsible for pushing them into this deplorable, miserable conditions.  Even after,  they become aware of this fact,  they try to suppress it.  They do this mainly because of social stigma attached to the Transgender.  They also harbour genuine and valid fear that it will affect the life of their other children greatly, particularly if they have female children even their marriages will become a big question mark.

2.  We can only imagine the mental agony these Trangender children undergo at that tender age. They undergo  serious confict within themselves. Every second is spent in fighting eternal turmoil, fire like inferno raging  inside  their mind, though it is certainly NOT their fault to be born as such.  In addition to this mental agony, depression,   their  own siblings, relations,  neighbours, co-students in school, even Teachers  daunt them, tease them and inflict untold injuries on them. Sexual and physical abuses also  are  not  uncommon. This is like applying ACID to 3rd degree deep wound, caused by fire.

3.  Because of unsympathetic, unsupportive and hostile treatment these transgender  children  receive  at very young age and unbearable to suffer the  agony raging in their mind, they  somehow like to disappear from the scene either by running away from home or ending their life. No data is available as to how many of them have ended their life at this tender age. But you can safely assume it is quite high. It may sound unbelievable but is true that the Parents also play active role in this.  They somehow want to  get rid of them in order to protect their family from social stigma and also protect the interest  of  their other children. Some parents even take them to far off Cities and  abandon  them  so that they  cannot find their way back.

4.   These abandoned  transgender  children  with no or little money and not knowing the local language undergo untold miseries until some Transgender picks them up and take them to their hide-outs or joints generally located in isolated places, abandoned buildings. There, they quickly pick-up  rather  are taught all the vices in the world, in order to survive.

5.  When they are around 16 years of age,  these Transgenders undergo an initiation rite into the hijra community called nirwaan.  Elaborate poojas are conducted where all transgender community members participate and this Sex Change operation is conducted in totally secret manner.  As these operations are conducted under questionable and unhygienic conditions and by those without any qualification and expertise, we do not know as to how many of them are successful and  how  many  have resulted in permanent disability  and even deaths. No data is available on this score. Even Police turn a blind eye in this regard.

1.  Every State should have region wise Development and Welfare Centres   for  Transgenders  with attached well staffed School, giving them proper food, shelter and medical facilities. These centres  may  be established and run by religious bodies or by Social Activity Groups with  grants from the State and Central Govt.  and  with proper supervisory control.
2.  There should be strict legal requirement wherein the Parents must register in the nearest Police Station, as soon as they come to know the fact their child has symptoms of Transgender. When the trangender child attains the age of 6, the Parents will be solely responsible to admit the child in the nearest Centre. The area Police authorities should ensure this and such details should be recorded  by them. Failure to do so should be treated as prosecutable offence.
3.  These  centres  should  have  dedicated Psychologists to counsel these children regularly and make them feel that it is not their fault to be born as such and they should take it in their stride and progress in life. These children can visit their homes during holidays and enjoy living with their parents & relatives.
4.   They should get free medical support  like  “sex reassignment therapy” , Hormone replacement  therapy  for transmen/women, voice,  face,  adam’s apple, breasts, genitals  therapy/procedures  from  well qualified doctors.
5.  Social welfare departments and education authorities should  educate and enlighten other children and also general public about this gender and wipe out from their mind all inhibitions and apprehension about this gender. Their mind should be prepared to accept  them  as a reality and acknowledge the fact that they are also human beings like themselves.
6.  They should be trained and encouraged in all sports/cultural activities in their Centres and arrange Sports/cultural  events  with other Centres as well as other institutions, to enable them mingle with all and get to know each other.
7.  Once they complete their Secondary School Education, they should be admitted in professional  Colleges  along with other students, while they continue to live in their Development Centres.
Those who firmly believe in God,  will  agree with me that every creation in this world by Him has a definite intention, purpose, goal and objective. I also feel that He has created the Transgenders as a Superior Race to serve, guide, administer the normal  Human  beings  with total devotion, dedication and undiverted  and undivided  focus, unbiased and without any prejudice. Since they have no family of their own, they need not save any money for generations to come which is the root cause for prevalent Corruption.  I believe they are most suitable for higher posts in Police, Administration, Medical, Teaching, Judicial,  Armed  Forces, Secret Services  and so on for  reasons which can be easily imagined than explained.
We need to help them out, develop them, bring out their high potential capabilities  for at least Two generations which may take about 40 years and once they are fully developed, well-placed,  they will support us with selfless  and dedicated service and make this world a better place to live.


Monday, 14 July 2014

The cost of books for Students of Higher Studies particularly those studying in Professional Courses like Medicine, Engineering, Law, Computer Sciences etc. are going up day by day putting Students as  well  their Parents to great  financial  strain.  They  try  to solve this problem by buying  second-hand  books of old editions which in turn affect,  these students in their performance.
We appeal to the Government to establish a National “E” Library wherein all books covering the entire syllabus of professional courses are available so as to enable Students to download them in their Lap-tops which are provided free by most state govts.  These books should be reviewed and updated periodically (at least quarterly) by a panel of Professors of each discipline.  They should also ensure that all University/Colleges campuses  have  free “Wi-Fi”  access.

As this directly  involves  promising Youth of our country and also the financial burden on Exchequer will not be so much, We appeal For immediate implementation.

Saturday, 5 July 2014


It is essential we have a Leader of Opposition (LOP) in our Lok Sabha for
proper and effective   functioning of democracy in  our Parliamentary system  and  to ensure effective monitoring of govt. functioning as LOP.
on  behalf of the entire Indian Citizens. This requirement needs no justification.

The Opposition’s main role is to question the government of the day and hold them accountable.  Their role include scrutinizing the policies and administration of the Government and take active part in the Address-in-Reply debate, Budget debates, debates on legislation, notices of  motion and No Confidence Motions etc.  Members of the Opposition who are members of Parliamentary Committees  must have a say in any  new legislation as part of the Committee process. The Opposition through the media can reach the Citizens with its views.  Leader of Opposition plays a vital role in all these activities. He is also a member of Selection Committee in the appointment of Constituent authorities like Central Vigilance Commission, Lok Pal etc. Therefore, we must have a Leader Of Opposition and there can be no second view on this.

 However, as per present rules, to be recognized as a Opposition Party, they should have a minimum of 54 members  (i.e. 10% of the total strength 0f 543). Since Congress, the 2nd largest party,  has only 44 members they do not qualify to be main opposition party and hence can not elect Leader of Opposition, by themselves .
Every Indian Citizen will agree that the Leader of Opposition must
represent majority view of opposition members in the Lok Sabha. Congress party with just 44 members against the total of 207 opposition members is in minority and hence cannot elect their own LOP.
The right way should be all Opposition Members  should jointly elect the LOP by secret ballot.  Any opposition party can nominate their Candidate
to contest for the Post  of  LOP.  Independent members also are eligible to contest. Member getting maximum votes should be declared “LEADER OF OPPOSITION”. This method is not only reasonable but logical and  will certainly meet the test of natural justice.  Giving in to the demand of Congress having their own LOP will be a mockery of Indian Democracy.
How can anyone even think Congress Party with just 44 members could truly represent 207 opposition  members’ views. As a citizen, we want the  TRUE VOICE  of  Opposition to be heard in the Parliament and
NOT  from a member representing a minority party.  This method can be
followed as a “Convention”.


Sunday, 29 June 2014


Do you also experience everyday and get upset, irritated and agitated when Motorists, Two-Wheelers and Auto Drivers honk behind you repeatedly and unreasonably.  If so, read on…….
In other Countries, particularly in Western Countries, you will all agree, no one honks. Honking is considered to be an act of uncivilized behaviour and people get offended and feel insulted if some Motorist behind them horns.
In India, even while you are waiting a Red Signal with count-down meter displaying about 20 seconds to go, in a busy Junction, Motorists behind you Honk repeatedly. I do not know whether they expect you to Take-off vertically  up like Helicopter and give them way ! As a matter of fact they themselves may not know that they are honking and yet do it unconsciously and out of habit !
We, as proud Indians resolve together Strictly Not to Honk from 9 P.M. to 6 A.M from TO-NIGHT as a mark of respect and consideration to our Senior Citizens, Young Children and Patients and allow them to sleep peacefully.
Let us also resolve to control our temptation to honk and minimize it, if not altogether Stop it.

      Looking forward to your support, compliance and active participation by tweeting, re-tweeting, posting in facebook  and  ‘e’mailing every-day tirelessly till we achieve our GOAL.

Thursday, 26 June 2014



Dear Friends,

Govt. of India has enacted “Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961” to provide for the establishment of a Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation for the purpose of covering insurance of Bank deposits and guaranteeing repayment of Deposit amount in the unlikely event of any Bank unable to pay back the deposit to the Depositors.
Under this Act, the above Corporation was established by Reserve Bank of India with 100% Share capital, fully owned by them. However, RBI provides insurance coverage for Bank Deposits only for a Maximum amount of Rs.1,00,000/- (one lakh only). And there is no coverage for any deposits more than 1 lac. This maximum limit was fixed in the year 1993 and since then there is no revision.
Everyone will agree that one lakh bank deposit to-day means Nothing and generally people keep more than Rs.1 lakh as bank deposits to take care of unforeseen medical and other expenses. In case of senior citizens who depend on interest income only for their day-to-day living in the absence of pension or other income, it can be easily imagined than explained as to how much deposits they should maintain, when everything is becoming costlier day by day !
Since our country’s Banking industry is totally controlled by our RBI, and they exercise very effective monitoring system including periodical auditing of all banks, we have full faith in our Reserve Bank of India and hence feel our deposits are safe. However, we have slight apprehension and fear since maximum insurance coverage is only for 1 Lakh.
Our genuine apprehension and fear increases by looking at the NPA (Non Performing Assets) figures declared by various Nationalised Banks and also Private Banks in their financial reports (Balance Sheets). Like Price index, this is also ever on the increase. Further number of Banks in private sector also is going up. In addition, the fact that many States and also Central Govt. are competing with each other in waiving of Loans,
generously, to fulfil their pre-election promises, also adds to our anxiety. We as depositors in Banks genuinely feel very much concerned about the security of bank deposits without any insurance coverage.
We, therefore, appeal to Honourable Finance Minister and Governor Reserve Bank of India to increase Insurance coverage on all Bank Deposits without any maximum limit stipulation. In view of the fact that the above Corporation (DICGC) is charging Insurance premium from the Banks, and also RBI controls the Bank activities in the country, in all fairness, our appeal is justified fully and it should be approved at the earliest, without any extra expenditure to the Exchequer. However for any reason, if it is not possible to provide unlimited insurance cover, we request to increase the maximum limit to atleast Rs. 5 lakhs per bank branch immediately, so that we, depositors feel safe and secured about our deposits.

With Greetings and warm regards,
